
Welcome to the Tiree and Coll Archaeology Database website. We are working to assemble all the archaeological records up to 1950 relating to Tiree, Gunna and Coll—site records, museum collections, excavation reports, publications, photographs, films and audio recordings—in one place.
You can search the database using the ‘Objects’ tab above, and then refine your search by island, township, object type, material, period, collector and current location. Or you can do a free word search using the window above.
This is, and always will be, a work in progress. To this end, we welcome comments, advice, corrections and additional information via our ‘Contact’ page.
Map searches for archaeological sites on Tiree, Gunna and Coll
The Canmore database of archaeological sites and photographs is managed by Historic Environment Scotland: https://canmore.org.uk. There are 518 sites and over 2000 images from Tiree, and 392 sites and over 1000 images from Coll. Click on the map on the left for a Canmore map search.
The West of Scotland Archaeology Service also has a searchable map at http://www.wosas.net/mapsearch.html
Finally, the SCAPE Trust has a searchable map of at-risk coastal sites with many images at https://scapetrust.org/sites-at-risk/