Dun Hynish
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Object Type:
Duncan MacKinnon
NM 037433. A number of sherds were recovered from the surface of an apparent rubbish tip down the cliff slope below the fort. These include reddish incised ware; a rim reminiscent of Food Vessel with finger tip dimpling on the surface of the internal concave rim bevel; a thick everted club rim in reddishware, and a thin flattened everted rim in butt-coated ware, gritted on the rim.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1973, pp. 10
Duncan MacKinnon
NM 037433. A number of sherds were recovered from the surface of an apparent rubbish tip down the cliff slope below the fort. These include reddish incised ware; a rim reminiscent of Food Vessel with finger tip dimpling on the surface of the internal concave rim bevel; a thick everted club rim in reddishware, and a thin flattened everted rim in butt-coated ware, gritted on the rim.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1973, pp. 10
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