Dun Hynish
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Object Type:
NL987391. Sherds of hand-thrown pottery were found by Mr John Thomson, Scarinish, in the fort of Dun Hynish, on the SW. coast of the island:—(1) fragment of hard, grey-black ware, 1/4 in. thick, fired to a light reddish-brown on outer and inner surfaces; (2) two curved pieces (roughly 2 ins. across and 3/10 ins. thick) of somewhat gritty, greyish ware, showing a pink buff on the outer surface, where it is not blackened by smoke, and distinctly soapy to the touch, as in the case of the pottery from Dun Vaul Beg reported in the 1958 issue; (3) small, curved fragment of hard, greyish-brown, very thin ware ( 1/10 ins. thick), with an applied wavy pattern; (4) small, slightly thicker fragment, with an impressed linear pattern.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1960, p. 23.
NL987391. Sherds of hand-thrown pottery were found by Mr John Thomson, Scarinish, in the fort of Dun Hynish, on the SW. coast of the island:—(1) fragment of hard, grey-black ware, 1/4 in. thick, fired to a light reddish-brown on outer and inner surfaces; (2) two curved pieces (roughly 2 ins. across and 3/10 ins. thick) of somewhat gritty, greyish ware, showing a pink buff on the outer surface, where it is not blackened by smoke, and distinctly soapy to the touch, as in the case of the pottery from Dun Vaul Beg reported in the 1958 issue; (3) small, curved fragment of hard, greyish-brown, very thin ware ( 1/10 ins. thick), with an applied wavy pattern; (4) small, slightly thicker fragment, with an impressed linear pattern.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1960, p. 23.
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