Dun Mor Vaul: DES 1966
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DUN MOR VAUL broch Euan W MacKie
NM 042493. Mr J. Morton Boyd, of the Nature Conservancy in Edinburgh, kindly presented to the Hunterian Museum fragments of two bone dice which he had found on the site in the summer. Both are carved of solid bone and ornamented with dot-and-ring marks. They were found on a part of the site — just inside the outer wall — which had not been disturbed in the excavations of 1962–64 and it is therefore impossible to relate them directly to the complex stratigraphical sequence then disentangled.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1966, pp. 10
NM 042493. Mr J. Morton Boyd, of the Nature Conservancy in Edinburgh, kindly presented to the Hunterian Museum fragments of two bone dice which he had found on the site in the summer. Both are carved of solid bone and ornamented with dot-and-ring marks. They were found on a part of the site — just inside the outer wall — which had not been disturbed in the excavations of 1962–64 and it is therefore impossible to relate them directly to the complex stratigraphical sequence then disentangled.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1966, pp. 10
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