Geophysical survey, Vaul machair

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Object Type:


Vaul machair, Tiree
Geophysical survey
Darko Maričević – University of Reading
NM 05339 48107 and NM 05846 48141 A number of circular
and sub-circular features suggesting possible prehistoric
settlement have been identified through systematic
inspection of 25cm aerial imagery. These are spread widely
over the Vaul machair, with notable concentrations around
Vaul golf course and the area to the E of it. A geophysical
survey was carried out, 6–10 October 2017, to try to find out
more about the nature of these features and whether they
are indeed archaeological in nature. Two areas measuring
90 x 90m and 90 x 30m have been surveyed by magnetic
gradiometry using Bartington Grad-601 fluxgate gradiometer
at 0.5m traverse spacing. Two 30 x 30m sub-grids within
each area have been surveyed by electrical resistance using
Geoscan RM15 resistance meter with 0.5m probe spacing,
0.5m traverse spacing and 0.5m reading intervals. The
results of the survey are still being processed and analysed;
however, the archaeological response was limited, partly due
to difficult ground conditions and technical problems with
the instruments. A low artificial mound has been identified at
the site of one of the most prominent circular aerial features.
Archive: An Iohdlann Archive and Museum, Scarinish, Tiree
Funder: The Catherine Mackichan Trust, An Iohdlann Archive and
(Discovery and Excavation in Scotland (2017), 18, p. 64)

Island :

Township :

Current Location :

Museum Number :



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