Items from Dun Beag Vaul

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Object Type:


Twelve items from Euan MacKie’s 1962–4 partial excavation of Dun Beg [Beag] Vaul:
5 small fragments of animal bone.
12 thick (10-11mm) potsherds of a coarse gritty plain red war
18 medium-thickness (8-9mm) potsherds of a coarse and gritty plain red ware
25 thin-sectioned potsherds (4-7mm) of a plain gritty red ware
One limpet shell
Gritty concretion containing a whelk shell; mortar?
Thirty fragmentary animal bones, plus twenty-one loose teeth
Small sample of sandy, shelly soil
Twenty-four seashells, primarily limpets with at least two species of volutes
11 small fragmentary animal bones, plus four loose teeth
Box of sherds

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