Killunaig cemetery
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Object Type:
Klllunaig Cemetery (Coll parish)
Medieval chapel site RJ Strachan(CFA)
NM 2214 6170 An archaeological evaluation was undertaken on the site of a proposed southward extension of the cemetery at Killunaig. Within the grounds of the existing cemetery are the remains of a building, tentatively identified as the-site of the late medieval church of St Fynnoga or Findoca of Coll (NMRS no NM 26 SW3). A number of features, including cists and ash spreads, as well as artefacts including pottery, flints, bronze objects and hammer stones have been reported previously from sand dunes to the W of the existing cemetery.
The proposed extension measured approximately 26m E-W by 13m N-S. and was located in an area of stabilised sand. Following an unsuccessful augering survey, four trenches were opened by hand, uncovering an area of approximately 30m . Three trenches were excavated to a depth of 1.2 m. Two of these trenches were then sondaged to 1.5 m at which level the water table was reached. These trenches were then cored to a depth of 2 m. No archaeologically significant horizons or finds were made.
A report has been deposited with the NMRS.
Sponsor: Argyll and Bute District Council.
Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1995, p. 61
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