Ludovic Mann in Coll and Tiree in 1907

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β€˜The burial-place of an adult, probably of the Stone Age, was excavated last week in the island of Tiree by Mrs A. W. Farquhar, her brother, and Mr Ludovic MacLellan Mann. The body had been placed in the smallest possible compass on its right side, with knees drawn up to the chin, but rather breast downwards. The relics around and upon the skeleton are in harmony with theory, deducible from the position in which body been placed, that the burial belongs to a very early period. The condition of the bones and the relics is so good that they could be readily set up in a museum in the original positions. Discoveries have also been made recently in the island of Coll. An important find was that of a set of thirty small, finely-made flint implements, probably of the Bronze Age. The objects include one of the most beautifully made flint points got in Scotland. It belongs to a type more common in Ireland than Scotland.’ (Oban Times and Argyllshire Advertiser, 3 August 1907, p. 4)

‘The burial place of an adult, probably of the Stone Age was excavated last week in the island of Tiree; a find of thirty small, finely made flint implements, probably of the Bronze Age, has also been recently made in the island of Coll. The objects include one of the most beautifully made flint arrow points got in Scotland.’ (Perthshire Advertiser, 31 July 1907, p. 3)

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