Forty-four decorated sherds from Salum
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Object Type:
‘Six potsherds: four body and two rim. Two of the sherds have incised angular decoration, and are probably from Early Bronze Age Food Vessels. Some of the remaining four sherds also bear incised decoration.’ Photo
‘Eight potsherds: five body sherds, one rim sherd, and two small sherds. Two of the body sherds are decorated: one with two parallel impressed lines, and one with an incised line.’ Photo
‘Three potsherds: two body and one rim. The rim sherd bears a row of four circular impressions at the top of its exterior. One of the body sherds is charred on the exterior.’ Photo
‘Seven body potsherds, probably all from the same vessel. One is heavily charred on its interior.’ Photo
‘Fifteen potsherds: twelve body sherds, one base sherd, one shoulder sherd, and one small sherd. Two body sherds are decorated: one bears diagonal incised decoration, and another bears two sets of two parallel incised lines.’ Photo
‘Five rim potsherds. One has decoration in the form of two incised lines on top of the rim and three vertical incised lines on the exterior of the rim.’ Photo
‘Eight potsherds: five body sherds, one rim sherd, and two small sherds. Two of the body sherds are decorated: one with two parallel impressed lines, and one with an incised line.’ Photo
‘Three potsherds: two body and one rim. The rim sherd bears a row of four circular impressions at the top of its exterior. One of the body sherds is charred on the exterior.’ Photo
‘Seven body potsherds, probably all from the same vessel. One is heavily charred on its interior.’ Photo
‘Fifteen potsherds: twelve body sherds, one base sherd, one shoulder sherd, and one small sherd. Two body sherds are decorated: one bears diagonal incised decoration, and another bears two sets of two parallel incised lines.’ Photo
‘Five rim potsherds. One has decoration in the form of two incised lines on top of the rim and three vertical incised lines on the exterior of the rim.’ Photo
Links (open in a new window);id=171779;type=101;id=171781;type=101;id=171776;type=101;id=171777;type=101;id=171782;type=101;id=171780;type=101
Island :
Township :
Current Location :
Museum Number :
A.1979.9.a.(2) A.1979.9.b (2) A.1979.9.b(3) A.1979.9.b(4) A.1979.9.c A.1979.9.d
Year Collected:
Collector :
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