Six sherds from Balevullin

Object Type:


‘One body potsherd. Brown interior and orange-brown exterior. Frequent small to medium-sized stone inclusions. Wipe marks on interior and exterior.’ One body potsherd. Orange-brown exterior, brown interior, and a dark brown core. Infrequent, small to medium-sized stone inclusions. Smoothed exterior. Smoothed and wiped interior. Small patch of sooting on interior.’ ‘One body potsherd made of two conjoined potsherds glued together. Brown fabric with very frequent small to medium-sized stone inclusions. Wipe-marks on the interior. Dark brow sooting on the exterior. Also a chalked rectangle running across the two conjoined parts’ ‘One small body potsherd. Thick mid to dark brown fabric. Small to medium-sized stone inclusions. Smoothed exterior and interior’ ‘One body potsherd. Brown fabric with small to medium-sized stone inclusions. Wiped interior. Slight sooting on interior. Exterior bears residues. From same vessel as ARCHNN.183.’ ‘One rim and body potsherd. Grey exterior and light brown interior. The rim is steeply inward-bevelled. Shouldered/biconical profile. Very smoothed exterior and interior. Sooting, and some residues, on the exterior.’

Island :

Township :

Current Location :

Museum Number :




Year Collected:

Collector :

Ludovic McLellan Mann

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