Tanged flint found in Balevullin by Andrew Bishop in 1912

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Ballin TB, A Saville (2003) An Ahrensburgian-type tanged point from Shieldaig, Wester Ross, Scotland, and its Implications. Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 22, pp. 115–131.
‘Since the 1950s a number of tanged points have been reported from Scotland. Livens (1956) published three possible tanged points. Two of these, from Orkney, can no longer be traced. The surviving specimen was found in sand dunes in the Balevullin area of Tiree [Found by AH Bishop at the ‘Red Mound’ in Balevullin] and is generally referred to as a likely Ahrensburgian point (Morrison and Bonsall 1989, fig 3). The precise circumstances of discovery, during fieldwork in 1912, seem irrecoverable (Livens 1956, MacKie 1963). It is virtually complete and measures 46 x 16 x 5 mm (Fig 3). This point was made on a broad, more regular blade than that from Shieldaig, but apart from being longer, has some similarities. The tang is proximal, tapering, retouched on both edges from the vertical face, and approximately as long as the blade. The left side above the tang is completely retouched, is approximately straight, and forms an almost right-angled junction with the tang. The right side of the implement above the tang is formed by the unretouched edge of the original blade … At present only the points from Shieldaig and Tiree can be accepted as genuine Scottish tanged points’.

‘Note: At the time of writing (September 2002) the Balevullin tanged point was also unavailable for study. It is in the collections of the Hunterian Museum, University of Glasgow, and we are grateful to Professor Lawrence Keppie for his continuing efforts to located this item on our behalf. The authors have, therefore, been entirely reliant on the published descriptions by Livens (1956) and Morrison and Bonsall (1989).’


Ballin and Wickham-Jones, 2017, Searching for the Upper Palaeolithic: a case study from Nethermills Farm, Aberdeenshire, Lithic Studies, 4, p. 1.
‘Scottish Late Upper Palaeolithic (ten examples): Millfield, Stronsay; Links House, Stronsay; Brodgar, Orkney; Tiree; Shieldaig, Loch Torridon; Rubha Port an t-Seilich, Islay; Kilmelfort Cave, Oban; Howburn, South Lanarkshire; Fairnington, Borders.’

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Collector :

Andrew Bishop

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