Watching brief: Aranabost Cottage

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Arnabost Cottage, Isle of Coll
Watching brief
Fiona Baker – Firat Archaeological Services Ltd
NM 20938 60085 A watching brief was undertaken, 9–10 March
2013, during extension works to Arnabost Cottage (NM26SW34) and the excavation of new foundations. The cottage is
located close to a souterrain (NM26SW 10), which has a
modern entrance at NM 20958 59975 (±6m) approximately
where the chamber would originally have been located. The
souterrain is located under the road and the passage was
capped underneath the road with a steel plate after it collapsed
in c1974. The original entrance to the souterrain is probably
located under the old ruined schoolhouse at NM 20958 59975.
Arnabost Cottage is shown on the 1st Edition OS map of 1881
as consisting of one roofed, two unroofed buildings and two
enclosures. The enclosures are located to the S (both sides of
the road) and W of the cottage and the foundations of one
ruined dyke were located in the foundation trenches of the
new studio building. The ground around the cottage consists
of garden soil 0.45m deep including frequent lenses of peat
ash and 19th-century ceramics, glass and metal artefacts, and
it overlies a buried ground surface, which was not excavated
and remains in situ.
Archive: FAS and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: Mr and Mrs P Ings
(Discovery and Excavation in Scotland (2013), p. 38)

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