‘Archaeological monitoring works at Coll Airstrip, Argyll, for the installation of drains, a car park, and septic tank, were directed by Douglas Gordon of Rathmell Archaeology Ltd. in March and April 2006. Work was sponsored by Argyll and Bute Council (Transportation and Infrastructure).
The upper fill of a small, shallow pit yielded a flint flake and piece of slag. A piece of struck flint core debitage was also recovered from the topsoil. It is likely that these items are later prehistoric in date.
Other features noted were intensive ploughing in the south of the area, and improvement of boggy land in the north of the area, as evidenced by numerous field drains.
A short report of the work is published in Discovery and Excavation in Scotland, (2006), 28.
For more information and associated archives, please refer to Canmore, the online catalogue of Scotland’s archaeology, buildings, industrial and maritime heritage.’