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  • Decorated bone pin from Baca na Putain

    Found in a exposed midden at Baca na Putain.

    Opinion from Dr Colleen Batey: Locally produced, Early Medieval and not Norse.
    Found in a exposed midden at Baca na Putain.

    Opinion from Dr Colleen Batey: Locally produced, Early Medieval and not Norse.
  • Human remains from an adult woman aged 17–25 from grave at Sorisdale found in 1976

    Human remains from an adult woman aged 17–25 from grave at Sorisdale, Coll. Chalcolithic. Held in NMS.
    Ritchie, J.N.G. & Crawford, J. (1978) Excavations at Sorisdale and Killunaig, Coll. PSAS 109 (1977‒78): 75‒84
    Sheridan, J.A. (2007) Scottish Beaker dates: the good, the bad and the ugly. In M. Larsson & M. Parker Pearson (eds), From Stonehenge to the Baltic: living with cultural diversity in the 3rd millennium BC, 91‒123. Oxford: BAR S1692.
    Burleigh, R., Ambers, J. & Matthews, K. (1982) British Museum natural radiocarbon measurements XV. Radiocarbon 24, 262‒90
    Parker Pearson, M., Sheridan, A. et al. (2019) The Beaker People. Isotopes, mobility and diet in prehistoric Britain. Oxford: Prehistoric Society Research Paper 7, 92-93, 159-160, 395, 419, 427, 445
    Ashmore, P. (1997b) ‘Radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites in Argyll and Arran’, in Ritchie, G, The archaeology of Argyll. Edinburgh. Page(s): 238 RCAHMS Shelf Number: E.2.1.RIT
    RCAHMS. (1980a) The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Argyll: an inventory of the monuments volume 3: Mull, Tiree, Coll and Northern Argyll (excluding the early medieval and later monuments of Iona). Edinburgh. Page(s): 64, No. 82 plan, fig. 38 RCAHMS Shelf Number: A.1.1.INV/21

    Ritchie and Crawford, J N G and J. (1980) ‘Recent work on Coll and Skye (i) Excavations at Sorisdale and Killunaig, Coll’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot, vol. 109, 1977-8. Page(s): 75-82 fig. 2
    Ritchie, G. (1997c) ‘Early settlement in Argyll’, in Ritchie, G, The archaeology of Argyll. Edinburgh. Page(s): 46 RCAHMS Shelf Number: E.2.1.RIT

    DES entry:
    ‘Sorisdale, Coll
    NM 272638. An inhumation associated with an All-Over-Corded Beaker was recovered from a shallow grave, which had been dug through a thin layer of midden material. Immediately W of the grave were some slight remains of a sub-circular house, possibly contemporary with the grave and midden. (Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1976, p. 83)’

    See also: ‘A Summary Round-up List of Scottish Archaeological Human Remains that have been Sampled/Analysed as of January 2019’ in DES 19.

    See also: Armit, I., Sheridan, J.A., Reich, D., Cook, G. and Naysmith, P. in press. Radiocarbon dates obtained for the GENSCOT ancient DNA project. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 17.

    Human remains from an adult woman aged 17–25 from grave at Sorisdale, Coll. Chalcolithic. Held in NMS.
    Ritchie, J.N.G. & Crawford, J. (1978) Excavations at Sorisdale and Killunaig, Coll. PSAS 109 (1977‒78): 75‒84
    Sheridan, J.A. (2007) Scottish Beaker dates: the good, the bad and the ugly. In M. Larsson & M. Parker Pearson (eds), From Stonehenge to the Baltic: living with cultural diversity in the 3rd millennium BC, 91‒123. Oxford: BAR S1692.
    Burleigh, R., Ambers, J. & Matthews, K. (1982) British Museum natural radiocarbon measurements XV. Radiocarbon 24, 262‒90
    Parker Pearson, M., Sheridan, A. et al. (2019) The Beaker People. Isotopes, mobility and diet in prehistoric Britain. Oxford: Prehistoric Society Research Paper 7, 92-93, 159-160, 395, 419, 427, 445
    Ashmore, P. (1997b) ‘Radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites in Argyll and Arran’, in Ritchie, G, The archaeology of Argyll. Edinburgh. Page(s): 238 RCAHMS Shelf Number: E.2.1.RIT
    RCAHMS. (1980a) The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Argyll: an inventory of the monuments volume 3: Mull, Tiree, Coll and Northern Argyll (excluding the early medieval and later monuments of Iona). Edinburgh. Page(s): 64, No. 82 plan, fig. 38 RCAHMS Shelf Number: A.1.1.INV/21

    Ritchie and Crawford, J N G and J. (1980) ‘Recent work on Coll and Skye (i) Excavations at Sorisdale and Killunaig, Coll’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot, vol. 109, 1977-8. Page(s): 75-82 fig. 2
    Ritchie, G. (1997c) ‘Early settlement in Argyll’, in Ritchie, G, The archaeology of Argyll. Edinburgh. Page(s): 46 RCAHMS Shelf Number: E.2.1.RIT

    DES entry:
    ‘Sorisdale, Coll
    NM 272638. An inhumation associated with an All-Over-Corded Beaker was recovered from a shallow grave, which had been dug through a thin layer of midden material. Immediately W of the grave were some slight remains of a sub-circular house, possibly contemporary with the grave and midden. (Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1976, p. 83)’

    See also: ‘A Summary Round-up List of Scottish Archaeological Human Remains that have been Sampled/Analysed as of January 2019’ in DES 19.

    See also: Armit, I., Sheridan, J.A., Reich, D., Cook, G. and Naysmith, P. in press. Radiocarbon dates obtained for the GENSCOT ancient DNA project. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 17.

  • Surface collections, Coll

    Surface collections, Coll
    Surface collections, Coll
  • Iron socketed spearhead, Grishipol

    Two pieces of an iron socketed spearhead, mouth of socket missing. Viking period 800–1100 AD. Grishipoll, Coll. Finder Colin Mitchell, 1950s. Photos
    Two pieces of an iron socketed spearhead, mouth of socket missing. Viking period 800–1100 AD. Grishipoll, Coll. Finder Colin Mitchell, 1950s. Photos
  • Piece of whalebone from Dun Beic

    ‘Portion of whalebone from Dun Beic, Coll’
    ‘Portion of whalebone from Dun Beic, Coll’
  • Three pottery sherds, Dun Beic

    Three pottery sherds, Dun Beic
    Three pottery sherds, Dun Beic
  • Three flint flakes from Port an t-Saoir

    Three flint flakes from Port an t-Saoir
    Three flint flakes from Port an t-Saoir
  • Pottery sherd. Port an t-Saoir

    Pottery sherd. Port an t-Saoir, Coll
    Pottery sherd. Port an t-Saoir, Coll
  • Pottery sherd, Cornaigmore

    Pottery sherd. Cornaigmore, Coll
    Pottery sherd. Cornaigmore, Coll