Four bronze pins (Early Medieval) found by Lord Lorne (John Campbell, 9th Duke of Argyll) near Balevullin, Tiree in 1884. Canmore ID 21435 describes these as: one cross-headed, one ring-and-dot, one globe, one putter. (Inveraray Castle, display no. 23).
“As found upon Sandhills of Tiree … mention must be made here of two remarkable bronze specimens obtained in 1897 by Lord Archibald Campbell, who kindly gave the writer an opportunity of examining them. One of these is a most peculiar pin about three inches in length with a semi-spherical flutes head, curved on the top but flat below. The special feature, however, is that the pin itself is of hybrid form, being round in the upper half and square in the lower, coming there to a sharp point, the whole thoroughly polished.” Beveridge, E. (1903) Coll and Tiree, p. 129.