Human remains from an adult woman aged 17–25 from grave at Sorisdale, Coll. Chalcolithic. Held in NMS.
Ritchie, J.N.G. & Crawford, J. (1978) Excavations at Sorisdale and Killunaig, Coll. PSAS 109 (1977‒78): 75‒84
Sheridan, J.A. (2007) Scottish Beaker dates: the good, the bad and the ugly. In M. Larsson & M. Parker Pearson (eds), From Stonehenge to the Baltic: living with cultural diversity in the 3rd millennium BC, 91‒123. Oxford: BAR S1692.
Burleigh, R., Ambers, J. & Matthews, K. (1982) British Museum natural radiocarbon measurements XV. Radiocarbon 24, 262‒90
Parker Pearson, M., Sheridan, A. et al. (2019) The Beaker People. Isotopes, mobility and diet in prehistoric Britain. Oxford: Prehistoric Society Research Paper 7, 92-93, 159-160, 395, 419, 427, 445
Ashmore, P. (1997b) ‘Radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites in Argyll and Arran’, in Ritchie, G, The archaeology of Argyll. Edinburgh. Page(s): 238 RCAHMS Shelf Number: E.2.1.RIT
RCAHMS. (1980a) The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland. Argyll: an inventory of the monuments volume 3: Mull, Tiree, Coll and Northern Argyll (excluding the early medieval and later monuments of Iona). Edinburgh. Page(s): 64, No. 82 plan, fig. 38 RCAHMS Shelf Number: A.1.1.INV/21
Ritchie and Crawford, J N G and J. (1980) ‘Recent work on Coll and Skye (i) Excavations at Sorisdale and Killunaig, Coll’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot, vol. 109, 1977-8. Page(s): 75-82 fig. 2
Ritchie, G. (1997c) ‘Early settlement in Argyll’, in Ritchie, G, The archaeology of Argyll. Edinburgh. Page(s): 46 RCAHMS Shelf Number: E.2.1.RIT
DES entry:
‘Sorisdale, Coll
NM 272638. An inhumation associated with an All-Over-Corded Beaker was recovered from a shallow grave, which had been dug through a thin layer of midden material. Immediately W of the grave were some slight remains of a sub-circular house, possibly contemporary with the grave and midden. (Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 1976, p. 83)’
See also: ‘A Summary Round-up List of Scottish Archaeological Human Remains that have been Sampled/Analysed as of January 2019’ in DES 19.
See also: Armit, I., Sheridan, J.A., Reich, D., Cook, G. and Naysmith, P. in press. Radiocarbon dates obtained for the GENSCOT ancient DNA project. Discovery and Excavation in Scotland 17.