Evelyn Elizabeth Balfour Gibb (née Milne) (1914–2000) was the daughter of Lady Frances Balfour, herself the daughter of the 8th Duke of Argyll. She married and lived in Sussex, but was a frequent visitor to the island, usually staying at The Lodge. She developed an interest in archaeology, and spent a lot of time in the 1970s and 80s roaming Tiree, particularly its Iron Age forts. She donated some material to the National Museum of Scotland, but this collection from 16 find spots was donated to An Iodhlann by her granddaughter Stephanie Clarke.
Dun, Caolas (which one is not described): 1983; 4 small sherds, 2 large pieces of slag.
Dun Mor Vaul: 13 thick sherds (2 rims, one of which is everted; 1 comb decoration), 1 possible lug.
Dunes between Brock and Ruaig Post Office: 11 small sherds.
Kirkapol: 1 sherd.
Dùn an t-Sìthein, Gott: 13 sherds (1 flat base).
Old Manse garden, Gott: 2 sherds.
Island House (possible location): hammer/smoothing stone (see photo).
Stream on boundary of Heylipol and Balinoe (NL 98686 42460): 9 sherds, 1 glazed pottery piece, 1 piece of slate, 1 of 3cm tapered nail, 1 hammer stone, whelk, limpet, scallop shells, animal bones and teeth, 4 bits of hard dark unidentified material.
Barradhu, Hynish: 1 piece of pumice, 2 small smoothing stones, 1 piece of slag, 1 limpet shell, 3 pieces of iron (possible cartspring).
Barradhu, Hynish (rock shelter): around 60 worked flints, 15 sherds (1 with comb decoration).
Dunes between Hynish Farm and Dùn nan Cleite: 1 worked flint (awl), 3 sherds, 1 3-cm iron cylinder with two notches (see photo).
Dùn na Cleite: 1972; 8 sherds (2 with everted rims and 1 with comb decoration), 1 worked flint, 3 animal teeth.
Dùn Hiader: 1972. 5 sherds (1 decorated, 1 with an indented, raised cordon), 1 smoothing stone, 1 hammerstone, 1 piece of iron 2 cm long, 1 piece of burnt bone.
Balephuil: 2 worked flints, 14 thick sherds, 1 small bone awl, 1 small pointed bone tool. ‘Sand dunes below Balephuil – just over the fence, not in the field you go down to the shore from, but the next along to the NW. 1982 May. Dr Brown knew this was an old settlement. Jean has a finger bone!’
Balephetrish: 1 hammerstone.
Sorisdale, Coll: 1 large fine sherd, 6 small sherds, 3 worked flints, 12 cowrie shells, 3 large pieces of bloom.
Included was a note [about possible rock art]: ‘I’m sure I found some [cup marks] on the non-seaward side of Dun Moor Vaul above the well/spring. I have a photograph somewhere. Quite small depressions in a circle about 12 of them. [?] “votive” holes in rock in Crete. 1994. EG’