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  • Dun Mor Vaul excavation: audio recording

    Former chemistry teacher Harry Kelly of Glasgow was recorded in April 2000 talking to Dr John Holliday about the time he spent in the early 1960s as a volunteer at the excavation of the Iron Age broch at Vaul.

    When his tent was washed out by rain soon after his arrival, Harry was offered lodgings by Catriona MacKinnon of Rhum View in Vaul. Catriona was a mine of information about life on Tiree in the 1930s.

    Much to Harry’s surprise, she had made her own pottery from local clay and dyed cloth with lichens. In this clip, Harry talks about the method she used to make pots.
  • Talk by Professor Mithen (2004)

    Audio cassette recording of a talk `The Archaeology of Tiree` by Professor Steven Mithen in An Talla, Crossapol on 26/8/2004.

    Talk ‘The Archaeology of Tiree’ given by Professor Steven Mithen of Reading University in An Talla in August 2004 and introduced by Dr John Holliday. Prof. Mithen talks about the earliest settlers in the Southern Hebrides around 6000BC, their probable lifestyle and tools, the traces they’ve left such as flints, bone tools, middens and charcoal deposits, the survey work the Reading team have been conducting on Tiree including ground penetrating radar and peat cores and the work they hope to do on Tiree in the future.
  • Audio recording of Dr Euan MacKie

    An Iodhlann cat. no. 2000.95.2 and 3
    Dr Euan Mackie, Honorary Research Fellow of the Hunterian Museum at the University of Glasgow talks to Dr John Holliday in April 2000 about his career in archaeology, the excavation of Dùn Mòr at Vaul 1962-1964, daily life on the dig, his work as director, the changes in thinking of British archaeologists since the 1960s, the history of the occupation of the broch and the likelihood of Stone Age occupation of Tiree. (Continues on AC213)